ARTICLE 1: SCOPE OF APPLICATION These general conditions of sale apply to all sales transactions concluded through the website

ARTICLE 2: ORDERS Automatic recording systems are considered proof of the nature and content of the order. / confirms acceptance of the order to the customer at the email address that the customer has communicated. The sale is concluded when / approves payment for the order, that is to say from the date of approval of payment for orders paid online by credit card or from the date of receipt of payment by check. / reserves, in all cases, the right to refuse or cancel any order from a customer with whom there is a dispute relating to the payment of a previous order.

ARTICLE 3: AVAILABILITY OF GUIDES As long as our offers and their prices are visible on the site, they are valid. The availability indicated when consulting the site by the customer depends on the stock available on /.

ARTICLE 4: PRICE The prices indicated in euros are net prices. They may be modified at any time without notice, it being understood that the items will be invoiced on the basis in force at the time the order is registered. All orders are invoiced in Euros and payable in Euros.

ARTICLE 6: PAYMENT Several payment methods are available to you, which offer maximum security guarantees. You can pay: - By bank or private card (Visa, Eurocard/Mastercard) directly on the site, in the payment form offered during the order process (secure entry thanks to SSL encryption), indicating the type of card, the card number without spaces between the numbers, the control number (found on the back of the card) and the expiration date. - Via Shopify payment You can choose between different payment methods and even take advantage of credit card payment options. Payment is made on the secure banking servers of our partners. This means that no banking information about you is transmitted via /. Payment by credit card is therefore completely secure; your order will be recorded and validated as soon as your bank has accepted payment.

ARTICLE 8: REFUND Items supplied by / are non-refundable digital products, but anyone having a problem with one of my products must contact me at the following address: we will find a solution together.


ARTICLE 10: PROTECTION OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA / is the producer and owner of all or part of the databases which make up this site. By accessing this site, the customer acknowledges that the data which compose it is protected by law and is prohibited from extracting, reusing, storing, reproducing, presenting or preserving, directly or indirectly, on any medium, by any means and in any form, all or a qualitatively or quantitatively significant part of the content of the databases which make up the site to which it accesses.

ARTICLE 11: RESPONSIBILITY The descriptions of the products contained in the databases of / have been entered in accordance with the information provided by the publishers. / is not responsible for the content of the works and cannot be held responsible towards the buyer. / declines all responsibility if the article does not comply with the legislation of the country of delivery (censorship, ban on the title or author, etc.). / is not responsible for the content of sites to which hypertext links may be sent from its own site.

ARTICLE 12: APPLICABLE LAW All clauses contained in these general conditions of sale, as well as all purchase and sale operations referred to therein, will be subject to French law.

ARTICLE 13: REPRODUCTION OF GUIDES Any reproduction or external use of elements, such as images, graphics, sounds, or text, in other electronic or printed publications, or public performance, or with intent to resell them is prohibited without the approval of the author. Under penalty of legal action.

ARTICLE 14: RESALE The resale of products purchased on the site are strictly prohibited, and any resales observed, not by a third party or by one of our customers, will immediately involve legal proceedings for the person concerned.

ARTICLE 14: ACCEPTANCE OF THE BUYER These general conditions of sale, as well as the prices, are expressly approved and accepted by the buyer, who declares and acknowledges having perfect knowledge of them, and therefore waives the right to rely on them. of any contradictory document and, in particular, of its own general conditions of purchase, the act of purchase entailing acceptance of these general conditions of sale. These conditions may be modified at any time without notice by / - The general conditions of sale were updated on February 8, 2023.